Quickly read trouble codes from multiple modules on the motorcycle, view the results, and clear the codes all in one easy to use interface.

This window displays both current errors (even those thatmay appear very briefly), as well as historic errors. Current DTCs are only present so long as the issue is being actively detected/reported by the module.Changing the conditions of the vehicle may shift a Current DTC to a Historic DTC. Recreating the condition that caused the DTC will create another Current DTC event, resulting in both a Historic and Current DTC of the samename/indication.

  1. Select the Active Settings Icon ()
  2. Open the drop down menu and select 'DTC'
  3. Ensure that the key is on, the run button is on, and that the VCM is connected.
  4. Click on 'Read'.
  5. The software will test for all the modules and report on them.
  6. Once testing is completed, a prompt will appear. To clear the errors from the ECU, click 'Clear DTC' then click 'OK' on the prompt.
  7. The software will erase the DTCs. (Note: any active problems will cause reoccurring DTCs, the software's DTC function only reports and clears. It does not fix.)