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1.11 Centurion - Troubleshooting COM Port Issues

If the COM port cannot be selected and checking the USB box does not allow connection, it means that the driver for it was not correctly installed when installing the software.
  • Go to the computers Control Panel, select 'Hardware and Sound', select 'Device Manager'.
  • Expand 'Other Devices' or 'COM Ports' to locate the serial converter or key.
  • If the COM port is not showing but the device is properly connected, the icon will appear:

IMPORTANT: This means that the driver was not correctly installed when installing software.

To get the correct driver, select 'Help' from the menu and 'Download Driver (USB)' from the dropdown list.

This will open the default web browser and download the driver installation executable.
Run and finish the installation executable.
After the correct device driver is installed or updated, the device manager window will look similar to this:

Go back to the 'Port Setting' window in the software and make sure the corresponding number is selected—the example above COM11 OR check the box for USB.

Test for connection by testing the VCM (see animation below).