Table of Contents

Connecting via Bluetooth

1. Make sure your TR4 is turned on and ready to pair by pugging it into a motorcycle or usb cable.
2. Click the Start button, choose Settings, and click the Devices icon.
Devices Windows 10 Centurion
3. Click Add Bluetooth.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
4. Click on Bluetooth.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
5. Click on your TR4 device and input the PIN (PIN is always 1234).
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
6. After the TR4 device shows as ‘Paired’, Click ‘Done’.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
7. After it is paired, scroll down in the settings window and click on ‘More Bluetooth Options’.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
8. When the next window opens, click on the ‘COM Ports’ tab.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
9. Take notice of which COM Port is showing as Outgoing.
Add Device Centurion TechnoResearch
10. Now in Centurion, click on the square icon that says ‘USB’.
Centurion USB
11. Uncheck the ‘USB Connection’ and then click on the drop down and select the corresponding COM Port that showed as outgoing.
Centurion Bluetooth