Table of Contents
- DirectLink Introduction
- DirectLink Main Features
- How To Setup TR4 System
- About This Manual
- Troubleshooting
- TRo2/o2 Sensors/Rivnut Installation
- O2 Sensor Installation Kit Lite
- ECU Tuning Compatibility
- All TechnoResearch Cables
- Tuning Victory® Motorcycle
- Licensing
- 1 Setup and Installation
- 1.1 Where To Get The Software
- 1.2 Install Direct Link Flash Tuner
- 1.3 Run Direct Link Flash Tuner
- 1.4 Connect USB Cable
- 1.5 Power Up The Direct Link Flash Tuner
- 1.6 Power Up To Automatically Install Drivers
- 1.7 Update The Software
- 1.8 Confirm Com Port For Communication
- 1.9 Troubleshooting Com Port Issues
- 2. Toolbar Menu and Icon Descriptions
- 3. Direct Link – Key Features
- 4. Direct Link – Important Tables
- 5. Program the Calibration into the ECU
- 6. How to Save the Modified Calibration
- 7. How to Change Units and Colors
- 8. Monitor Real-Time Data
(Gauges/Meter Display) - 9. Monitor Real-Time Data
(Strip Chart/Meter Display) - 10. Auto-Mapping
- 11. Common Issues and
Possible Solutions - Glossary

Checklist (common fixes):
- A. Plug VCM into the PC only (no motorcycle connection). Check for green light. Green light indicatates USB cable is at least providing power/ground.
- B. Plug VCM into the motorcycle only (no USB connection). Check for green light. Green light indicatates motorcycle connection is at least providing power/ground.
- C. Wiggle the 4/6 PIN Cable that plugs in to the VCM-TR4, if all lights on the TR4 flash on then there is an intermittent connection issue (Jump to Contact Testing and Repair below)
D. Make sure VCM is showing as connected in the COM Ports in the device manager. Removing the USB connection should result in the listing shown disappearing. Re-connecting will bring it back. If you are unable to observe the device connecting and disconnecting via the device manager, check for windows updates and restart your computer.
- E. Click the VCM button on the toolbar. Press TEST. If all is well between the PC and the VCM, the boxes should fill out. As of 2/5/2021, VCM Ver. 11.34 is most up to date.
F. Click on "Communication" dropdown. Select Port Settings. Make sure USB Connection is selected and Fast Programming is turned 'ON'.
- G. Make sure no other "piggyback" or "passthrough" tuners are on the motorcycle.
- H. Previous tuner needs to be removed from the ECU first if software prompts ‘ECU: Locked’. You can verify this by re-attempting a Backup of the current calibration. Repeated prompts of ‘ECU: Locked’ during backups is verification. Call us if you are unsure.
- I. Verify that the SW# of the Current motorcycle information and the selected map match.
- J. If an issue persists after restoring the ECU via the backup you created, please seek to resolve the underlying/pre-existing mechanical issue.
Contact Testing and Repair
A. Wiggle and gently bend the connections going into the VCM. If you see all LEDs (see picture) light up there may be an issue with the contacts in the wiring. When testing this, try with and without the extension cable and note any differences. Most commonly, the reason this is happening is because the Pins or Contacts inside the smaller 6 position connector have openned up and are not making a positive contact. Doing the following steps can improve the connectivity of the contacts.
B. Look closely at the PINs on the cable and try to determine which one is loose or more open. Sometimes after plugging and unplugging this cable overtime, the PIN rings become loose causing intermittent connection issues. Circled in red, you can see the pin that is more open than the others. This is what we want to fix.
C. Take a small tool from around the shop (i.e. pick/Pin/Needle) and try to push the metal of the contact/pin back together so it is more closed.
D. Your cable should now look like the picture below with the PINs closer/tighter(circled in green).
E. Now, plug the cable back in to the VCM, and when you wiggle the cable you should only see the green and, possibly, the yellow LED light up.
Data Port Connection
- A. If you have followed the instructions above to make sure that all the contacts/pins are healthy, checking the health of the motocycle data port connection. 4 position data ports will generally only have 3 wires/positions used (power, ground, and serial data). 6 position data ports vary, but we primarly care about the wires and contacts for: power, ground, CAN H, and CAN L.
- B. When receiving the 4 and 6 PIN cables they come with a dark orange rubber ring around the end of the connector. This ring is used to act as a water tight seal for the connection to the bike. This ring is "optional" during light typical tool usage.
- C. Removing the orange rubber ring and plug the 4/6 PIN cable back in to the data link connector (pictured below) on the bike. Make sure that it makes full contact. The latching mechanism usually clicks into place once fully inserted.
- D. It is not uncommon for the data link connection (motorcycle) to be damaged in some way. If you suspect this might be possible, check that the pins are seated correctly and that the wires are still attached to the pins. A very simple way of doing this is pushing and pulling gently on each wire. Pushing, you may feel a contact click into place (solving that issue). Pulling, you may find a wire comes right out of the connector because it wasnt connected to the contact anymore.